The picture

This film was originally made as part of Fem Filmer Festival 2019. Filmed with Panasonic Lumix GH5. Lens equivalent to 24-70 mm.

Music: Lightless by Kevin McLeod, Creepy Hallow by Alexander Nakarada

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Produced 2019. Duration 4:23.


ManBenjamín Garzón
WomanPia Mehra


Additional crewKrishna Kanavillil
Additional crewAli Al-Ahmadi
Assistant directorMurathan Kurfali
DirectedMikkel Jespersen
EditingMikkel Jespersen
LightBengt Bäverman
ScreenplayMikkel Jespersen
ScreenplayPraveen Mayakar
Script supervisorMichael Foong
ScripterMurathan Kurfali
SoundBengt Bäverman
StoryPraveen Mayakar